Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sam again!

Y'all probably don't know Kit too well because she never posts.So anyway it's me Sam and we tried to talk to Ru today.Here's what happened
Me:Ru,we've all noticed you' a bit.....
Ami:You haven't been hanging out with us lately
Em(my new cousin):I haven't known you that long but it seems your sisters are trying to say that your new friends bully us a bit.Me probably a lot more because I'm the new girl.
Ru: Who?Stef? She wouldn't hurt a fly!Your just jealous of my new friends.
Me:They aren't your friends! They just act like it because you are funny and know a few girls secrets.
Ru: Go ask her then if you're so smart!

So we did and...
Stef:Talk to me or are just waisting my time?!?!?!
Em: Well... You've taken an intrest in our friend Ruth Anne Smithe--
Stef: NOT YOU IDIOT!!!!! The one in the green....Parkington yes?
Then it hit me. Why she hated me so much.It was a girl Nellie and I met on a cruise the one where the sapphire was stolen.

Stef: You're the girl with the inferior friend on the cruise. You accused me of stealing!!
Me:Look you DON'T mess with my friends not Lis not Em not Ru and accused Nellie on the ship.
Me: Why now? Why here? Why Ru?
Stef: WHAT?!?!!?!?!
Me (stepping closer):You wanted to be the hero back there.You wanted revenge on me so you targeted me at first but when Emily showed up and happened to be in your class so you figured that the way to get me to leave the school was to get my friends so you went for Ru because she was lonely and vonerable.Is that correct and don't think I haven't dealt with bullies before?
Stef (she broke down crying): Yes it's all true!! I did it!(runs away but keep reading)

So Ru's back to normal but I have a feeling that this isn't over yet and it will keep going for a long time.

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