Friday, October 23, 2009


I'm very happy today because we will probably order a new doll tomorrow!! But I'm soooooooooo bored in our little deportment lessons. Why? We started our samplers and it is so hard because I have to embroid "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe! Also Ami and Misty got in a fight again over something or other. If the spelling is wrong on here it's because I don't care about spelling and I broke my arm. Whenever Misty and Ami get in fights they call each other by their middle names which are Tovah(Ami) and Alexa(Misty) and yell in Yiddish or something. Kit and Kirsten are staying for the week or something and Kaya should be back from Idaho in a few days so she will be the one posting about it. I feel bad for her because the ride from Texas to Idaho is long even on the train. It was cold today(only 65 F) and Ru Kit and I got in trouble for getting our shoes muddy during gym today.I wish that they would let me back on the horse riding team but NO I have a broken arm. I ridden with one arm before(Sam got mad) and I was fine. The phone is ringing BRB.

Minutes Later
Hi!! Misty here! That was the weirdest phone call ever. Cannot tell you now because I'm not ready to accept it yet. All I can say is Poor Felicity...........

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